Finished another long weekend in the ER. I think I saw maybe 10 people from Friday through Sunday who actually needed to be in the ER. When did our country decide that our hospital's ERs were great big walk-in clinics. Have you ever tried to call a doctor's office these days? All you hear is "hang up and call 911 or go to the nearest ER". That is what this past weekend was all about.
"I haven't had a bowel movement in 3 days."--- Go the the ER
"I ran out of my Vicodin"--- Go to the ER
"My 18 year old son keeps smoking marijuana and meth."--- Go to the ER
"I have had a toothache for a month"--- Go to the ER
"I have had abdominal pain for 6 months and have been to 4 ERs and to one different ER already today"---Go to the ER
What is wrong with our population? Do they not know the meaning of the word emergency?
I love how many hospitals now advertise average ER wait times. I have a news flash for you... If you have time to check out various ER wait times, you don't have an emergency. Another little tidbit of information, if you really have an emergency, your wait time is ZERO!
People can't figure out why healthcare in the US is so expensive. It's because we have a society of I want it all right now and can't wait. So the system keeps tolerating this behavior and chugging along wasting resources.
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